Day 375: Something Wicked + Caruso CD 1

WickedPart of the genius of Something Wicked This Way Comes is the recurring juxtapositions of the universal elements of age.

For example, the age of Will Holloway compared to his father.

The age of Will Holloway compared to Jim Nightshade.

The age of Jim Nightshade compared to how how old he’d like to be.

The age of Charles Holloway compared to how old he’d like to be.

Bradbury expertly captures the wistfulness of old age looking back at youth, and the eager anticipation of youth looking ahead at an older age.

In Chapter Two, Will spots his dad at work in the library.

Will stared.

It was always a surprise — that old man, his work, his name.

That’s Charles William Halloway, thought Will, not grandfather, not far-wandering , ancient uncle, as some might think, but…my father.

So, looking back down the corridor, was Dad shocked to see he owned a son who visited this separate 20,000- fathoms-deep world? Dad always seemed stunned when Will rose up before him, as if they had met a lifetime ago and one had grown old while the other stayed young, and this fact stood between….

Far off, the old man smiled.

They approached each other, carefully.

Bradbury, Ray (2013-04-23). Something Wicked This Way Comes (Greentown) (p. 14). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

Chapter Two ends the way it Continue reading