Day 244: Piano Sonatas Op. 31 No. 2 “Tempest” & Op. 31 No. 3 & Op. 53 “Waldstein” & Op. 49 No. 1

BeethovenCD49I know today’s piano sonatas are supposed to be Important with a capital “I.”

But, for some reason, they don’t move me.

They seem like piano warm-up exercises, rather than songs that demand to be heard.

Here’s what I heard today:

Piano Sonata No. 17 in D Minor Op. 31 No. 2 “Tempest”

Piano Sonata No. 18 in E Flat Op. 31 No. 3

Piano Sonata No. 21 in C Op. 53 “Waldstein”

Piano Sonata No. 19 in G Minor Op. 49 No. 1

All were performed by Alfred Brendel. With great bravado, I might add.

But none of these compositions stirred me.