Day 300: Only 65 Days Left!

It’s hard to believe I’ve invested 300 days – 10 months! – of my life in this venture. I only have 65 days left in Year One.

I’ve discovered something about myself: I prefer listening to music over reading books. Watching movies comes in second. So, I guess that means I like reading books least of the three media – music, books, and movies.

It’s not that I don’t like reading. I love books. I can hardly walk around in my home without stumbling over a pile of them.

But when they’re part of an “assignment” that I have to plow through and then write about, I get bogged down.

I think it’s a matter of discipline.

I can listen to music anywhere, at any time, and do other things (like research online and then write about what I’m hearing) while I listen. I can’t do that with a book. A book requires full-on focus, not to mention having both hands to hold it.