Day 179: Deconstructing Harry

5190Q1J1FJLAs if the cast of Everyone Says I Love You wasn’t big enough, Deconstructing Harry raises the bar even higher – at least in body count.

The cast for Deconstructing Harry reads like a Who’s Who of Hollywood:

Caroline Aaron
Kirstie Alley
Bob Balaban
Billy Crystal
Judy Davis
Richard Benjamin
Eric Bogosian
Amy Irving
Julie Kavner
Eric Lloyd
Hazelle Goodman
Mariel Hemingway
Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Tobey Maguire
Demi Moore
Elisabeth Shue
Stanley Tucci
Robin Wiliams

Unless all those people opted to work for peanuts, the cost for the cast, alone, must have been the entire budget of the movie.

Deconstructing Harry is about an oversexed novelist (Woody Allen) who writes – when he doesn’t have writer’s block – without conscience or guilty about the people in his life, spinning thinly veiled yarns that ruin lives.

“I still love whores,” Harry tells his shrink as they “deconstruct” his life, which is told in flashbacks and covers various relationships and/or sexual conquests he’s had over the years.

Deconstructing Harry is another caustic, foul-mouthed “adult” Woody Allen movie.

One scene, which takes place at Open School Week and is between Harry and Hilly, his 9-year-old son (Eric Lloyd, actually 11 at the time), seems incredibly inappropriate:

Hilly: Dad, why doesn’t my penis look like yours?

Harry: Why doesn’t your penis look like mine? Because, your mother and I never had you circumcised. When I was your age, every kid in my neighborhood you know they used to do? They used to name their penises.

Hilly: I’m going to name mine Dillinger.

Harry: Dillinger is perfect. Dillinger is great. Hilly, you’re inspired. You’re a genius. Dillinger was one of the great geniuses of his chosen profession. Remember, how we discussed Freud once?

Then Harry sits next to Hilly and tells him that women are God and that, “some of them shop at Victoria’s Secret.”

I can’t imagine having a conversation like that with a nine-year-old boy, let alone as a 62-year-old man.

One night, perhaps fighting against writer’s block, Harry hires an African-American hooker named Cookie (Hazelle Goodman) to tie him up, hit him, and then give him a blowjob. “You gotta get the order right,” he tells her, “otherwise it’s no fun.”

After they do the deed, they engage in a bit of chit-chat.

Cookie: What are you sad about?

Harry: I’m spiritually bankrupt. I’m empty.

Cookie: What do you mean?

Harry: I’m frightened. I’ve got no soul, you know what I mean? Let me put it this way, when I was younger it was less scary waiting for Lefty than it is waiting for Godot.

Cookie: Ah, you lost me.

Harry: You know that the universe is coming apart. You know what a black hole is?

Cookie: That’s how I make my livin’.

The entire movie is about a guy who cannot find happiness (or let himself experience it) who’s had a string of wives, a string of affairs…and all of the regrets he’s had, not marrying this one, or letting that one go.

The scene of hooker Cookie, Harry, son Hilly, and hypochondriac friend Richard (Bob Balaban) driving down the road singing “Red, Red Robin” is surreal.

But the entire movie is like watching a guy’s life fall apart, in Technicolor.

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